Author: Molly (page 3 of 4)

An old fishermen village

This post is about a step back in time for me and is dedicated to my family and the fun we had in this part of our home state.  So the fact that nearly NOTHING has changed in this restaurant or along this section of Indian River Drive in Jensen Beach brings an indescribable comfort to me.

All photos were taken with my iPhone camera as part of a little self-imposed photographic challenge.


ConchyJoes-3076TrulyFloridaBahamian dishes, including all things conch, and fresh seafood are among the restaurant’s specialties.

ConchyJoes-3025TrulyFloridaDeck shoes… enough said.

ConchyJoes-3011TrulyFloridaAll of the above are scenes from Conchy Joe’s Seafood restaurant, an old Florida institution. Walking into the restaurant, I could still see my beautiful mom laughing as she attempted to line dance to a live band’s music, although she had no idea what she was doing. Conchy Joe’s Seafood 3945 NE Indian River Drive, Jensen Beach, FL 34957
(772) 334-1130

ConchyJoes-3038BWTrulyFloridaWindow AC units still cool these shotgun cottages that line an old dirt road, which is perpendicular to the Indian River. This spot is still popular for local and visiting fishermen.

ConchyJoes-3041TrulyFloridaThis is one of many elaborate and colorful mobile homes located near the water. I will definitely return to photograph these homes, as each one has a story to tell.

Written & photographed by Molly Dempsey and edited by Pamela Staik.

Vote yes for Water & Land Conservation Amendment 1

Truly Florida viewers, I apologize. Below are some pretty aesthetically boring pictures. TF is supposed to be a showcase of Florida photography that makes you care, not sleep. However, I come from a family of debaters, and, if I want skin in the game when arguing an issue, I have to know my facts. We all do.

amendment1-2028Clay Henderson, counsel for Water & Land Conservation Amendment 1, telling it like it is.



amendment1-2040“Read my lips, no new taxes.” These are former U.S. President George H.W. Bush’s words, not Henderson’s, but they are still applicable in this case.


On Nov. 4, 2014, VOTE YES ON 1, FLORIDA’S LAND & CONSERVATION AMENDMENT (and I won’t post any more slideshow photos in return).

Written & photographed by Molly Dempsey and edited by Pamela Staik.

Sarasota Jungle Gardens

Sarasota Jungle Gardens is a tropical paradise located in North Sarasota, near the Ringling Museum. It is definitely OOOOOLD Florida, as in it was started in the early 1930’s and was once visited by Albert Einstein.  And here’s one of my favorite parts, when exotic species don’t make it through a frosty winter, they now replace the exotics with native Florida plants and grasses.


Did Al Einstein see this staghorn fern in diapers? Cause it is OLD…


It’s like the opening credits of the old Miami Vice shows with the flamingos. They run this joint.

Sarasota Jungle Gardens

It’s ok, you can take a big deep breath, the Gardens prohibits most pesticides and herbicides.


this peacock was a co-runner of the joint when we were there in 2010

After making the peacock photo from inside the snack shop, I was told by an employee that this peacock showed up in the Gardens some years ago and likes the place so much that he never left. Nobody knows how he got there and nobody bothers him. That theme of animals who outgrew or needed rescue from their former lives is a running theme for a lot of the Gardens’ animals. Now THAT is TRULY FLORIDA!

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