Truly Florida viewers, I apologize. Below are some pretty aesthetically boring pictures. TF is supposed to be a showcase of Florida photography that makes you care, not sleep. However, I come from a family of debaters, and, if I want skin in the game when arguing an issue, I have to know my facts. We all do.

amendment1-2028Clay Henderson, counsel for Water & Land Conservation Amendment 1, telling it like it is.



amendment1-2040“Read my lips, no new taxes.” These are former U.S. President George H.W. Bush’s words, not Henderson’s, but they are still applicable in this case.


On Nov. 4, 2014, VOTE YES ON 1, FLORIDA’S LAND & CONSERVATION AMENDMENT (and I won’t post any more slideshow photos in return).

Written & photographed by Molly Dempsey and edited by Pamela Staik.